Use the Blackboard tools and areas to learn and complete course assignments.

Articles (12)

Course Content Types

[Students] The article links to the official documentation on accessing different types of content in a Blackboard Ultra course.

Learning Modules

[Students] Navigate from one content item to the next without distractions or extra clicks using Blackboard Learning Modules --- organized collections of content.

Progress Tracking

[Students] Progress tracking allows you to track your course progress related to content in your course

Content in Alternative Accessible Formats

[Students & Faculty] Alternative formats allow students the option to convert documents to other file formats without having to provide multiple files within the course

Assignments in a Blackboard Ultra Course

[Students] Learn about the various types of assignments and how to submit.

Best Practices for Online Assessments

[Students] Successfully complete online tests and assignments with these best practices.

Taking a Test in Blackboard Ultra

[Students] The linked webpage provides helpful advice for students on Blackboard Ultra tests, including accessing tests, getting ready to start tests, taking tests, understanding timed tests and accessing grades and feedback.


[Students] Blackboard Journals are personal spaces for you to communicate privately with your instructor.


The article provides resources on using class conversations for courses on Blackboard.

Groups (Blackboard)

[Students] Interact with other students through Blackboard (Bb) Groups. Groups have their own collaboration areas in Bb courses so they can communicate and share files.

Submit a Video Assignment in Blackboard Ultra

[Student] This article will show you to submit a Panopto video assignment in Blackboard Ultra.

Using Zoom through your Blackboard Course

[Students] Join Zoom through a Blackboard course and access Cloud Recordings