Software & Applications

Desktop software, Virtual Workspace, PeopleSoft, Stratus, Salesforce, TDX and business apps

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Categories (8)

Desktop Computer Software

Excel, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, SPSS, Adobe CC and other software installed on laptop and desktop computers.


Towson Online Services, registration


Budget planning system replacing PeopleSoft Financials

Microsoft 365

Formerly Office 365

Virtual Workspace (VW)

Accessing VW, launching apps, launching Windows desktop, transferring files, ect.

Department Managed Software

Software purchased and managed by other departments other than OTS

TechHelp & TeamDynamix

Learn how to use OTS' TechHelp service catalog, ticketing system and knowledge base



Articles (9)

BI and Analytics Overview (Video)

[Faculty & Staff] The linked video demonstrates how to access and navigate TU's BI and Analytics dashboard.

File Name Conventions for Apple Mac Computers

[ Students, Faculty & Staff ] To ensure that files can be shared between Mac and Windows systems, follow these formatting tips to avoid errors when saving and copying files and folders. Apple Mac and Microsoft Windows computers use different file naming conventions for saving files and folders.

Find a Computer's Name, OS Version and TU Tag

[Students, Faculty & Staff] This document describes how to locate the Computer Name, Operating System, and TU Tag of a TU-owned computer.

Find Software Available to Students, Faculty and Staff

[Faculty & Staff] Many software titles are available to faculty, staff and students and linked from the Available Software page.

Install and Explore the Outlook App for iOS

[Students, Faculty and Staff] Microsoft provides a standalone Outlook app for managing TU email, calendars, contacts and tasks on your iOS devices. This app is the only supported method for accessing TU email services on an iPhone or iPad. Learn how to get the Outlook App on your iOS device and familiarize yourself with its basic operations.

Save Files to a Network or Personal Flash Drive

[Students, Faculty and Staff] Save files from a TU computer to either your H: drive or a personal flash drive.

Saving Files When Using TU Computers: Proper Storage Techniques

[Students, Faculty and Staff] Students must be aware of the storage locations when saving a file from an email or other applications on campus computers. Users need to save all files to their H: drive or a personal flash drive so that they can retrieve their files at a later time.

See What Software is Available and How to Get It

[Students, Faculty & Staff] The linked page provides a means to search the TU Software Inventory Library and describes several other ways to access software, including the Office 365 Portal, Virtual Workspace, Maryland Enterprise Education Consortium (MEEC) and TU computer lab software.