NetIDs by Role - Retirees

Retirees and faculty emeritus can continue to use their same NetID and email after they leave the university. HR must update their record to indicate retirement. If the record is set ahead of retirement, access will continue uninterrupted. However, access must be renewed annually to avoid disruption to access (instructions below). 

  • Retirees and faculty emeritus retain access to a subset of services. Services may be reviewed at
  • Retirees and faculty emeritus are responsible for renewing their account annually.  Several reminder emails will begin 30 days ahead of access expiration.
  • Retirees and faculty emeritus are responsible for and updating their NetID password.  Several reminder emails will begin 30 days ahead of password expiration.
  • Retirees and faculty emeritus retain membership to any network/email security group upon retirement.  However, sponsorship to these resources will be removed and/or replace by active faculty/staff.


Please follow this procedure to renew your NetID for another year:

  1. Visit in a web browser
  2. Click the "Manage NetID" link, then log in with your NetID and password
  3. Navigate to the "My Profile" link at the top, then click the "Profile" link.  This will allow you to view your own NetID profile.
  4. Scroll down to the Extend Retiree Access section, and click the "Extend One Year" button.  Click OK on the pop-up message to confirm.
  5. After a few minutes, you can revisit the same page and the "Retiree End Date" displayed should have been extended by one year.

If you don't renew your NetID by the date above, it will automatically be deactivated. After that date, you may contact OTS to request reactivation.

This annual renewal allows Towson University to ensure that your NetID and email do not become inactive or unknowingly compromised by an attacker.

Please note that you must also change your NetID password at least once per year. You will receive a separate email notification warning you before your password expires.


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Article ID: 143054
Sun 11/13/22 10:06 PM
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