Classroom Computer is Slow, Frozen or Unresponsive

Tags staff faculty

A variety of issues may contribute to poor computer performance. The most likely issues are problems with the computer itself, particular websites or specific applications.

Try this solution

  1. Save your work and restart the computer.
    • Windows: Sign out. From the Sign In screen, select the power icon in the lower right and select Restart.
    • Apple: Click the Apple menu icon and select Restart.
  2. If the restart option cannot be selected or the computer does not respond, force a restart by pressing and holding the computer's power button for 10 seconds to turn it off; wait 10 seconds before turning it back on.
  3. Return to the previous applications or websites to confirm better performance.
  4. If the problem recurs, note active applications or websites and any displayed error messages, and contact 4-TECH support at 410-704-8324 or use the CCLT chat service. Record error messages accurately, as they are important for technical support staff.


  • If available, use a laptop computer instead of the built-in instructor computer for the class session.
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Article ID: 142544
Sun 10/16/22 2:04 PM
Wed 12/13/23 3:42 PM