Webex Quick Reference

Download the Webex desktop app on your TU computer

  1. Open the Software Center on your TU Windows computer or Self Service on your Mac.
  2. Search for and select the Webex app.
  3. Download/install the app.
  4. Log in with your NetID and Password

Overview the Webex environment

Webex Teams screen with the labelling 1. Navigation Menu, 2. Status/Preferences, 3. Search/Filters, 4. Spaces, 5. Messages Area, 6. Meet button

Number Title Description
1 Navigation Menu Switch between spaces, teams, call and meetings view.
2 Status/Preferences Add a profile picture, access your settings/preferences and set your status.
3 Search/Filters Use a predefined filter or type custom search criteria to find information that you need.
4 Spaces Group work takes places in spaces. You can create groups or personal spaces. The most recently active spaces are at the top.
5 Messages Area This is where messages, files and whiteboards are housed in a persistent fashion.
6 Meet Button Select the meet button to access the video or audio call options.

Create a space

Within Webex, everything is organized around either a group space or a personal space. This is where you post messages, insert documents and conduct meetings around specific topics.

Create a personal, one-to-one space

  1. Select the plus(+) sign and select Send a direct message.
  2. Type the first name or the email address of the contact and select them from the drop-down menu.

Create a group space

  1. Select the + sign (left of the Search box) and select Create a Space.
  2. Give the space a name.
  3. Type the name or the email address of the contact and select them from the drop-down menu. Continue adding additional names in this manner.
  4. Select Create.

Create and send messages 

  1. From within a space, tap in the message area at the bottom of the window.
  2. Enhance your message by selecting the formatting, emoticon or gif icons.
  3. Type a message and press the ENTER key.

Attach files to messages

You can upload and share files of any type and up to 2GB in size.

  1. In the message area, select the Paperclip icon.
  2. Choose the location and the file name and select Open.

Start an audio or video call 

  1. From within a space, select either an audio call (telephone icon) or video call (camera icon) button in the upper right corner of the window.

Schedule a meeting

  1. From within a space, select the Schedule a meeting button (calendar icon) in the upper right corner of the window.
  2. Add the meeting details.
  3. Select Schedule.

Respond to a conversation

  1. Hover over the message and select the Start a thread (first) button on the message toolbar.
  2. Type in your response and select Send.
  3. For messages that already have a thread started, select the Reply to thread icon under the message to reply

Forward a message 

Sometimes you want to share a message from one space to another.

  1. Hover over the message and then select the Forward message (fourth) button on the message toolbar.
  2. Enter the space name or select Create a new space.
  3. Type your message and then press ENTER.

Use @ mentions in a message

Use an @ mention to alert a particular person in a space.

  1. Enter your message as you would normally.
  2. At the place in the message you wish to alert the member, enter the @ symbol.
  3. Select from the list of people in the space that displays. Type a message and press ENTER.

Search for spaces, messages or files

Search allows you to filter content to find the exact information you need.

  1. Select the Search box.
  2. Type a key phrase, word or name in the search box.
  3. Choose to search Spaces, Messages, or Files.

Change global notification settings

  1. Select the Status/Preferences icon and then select Settings.​​​​​​
  2. Select Notifications and under Spaces, choose one of the following: All Messages, Mentions only or Off.
  3. Select the Save button.

Download the Webex mobile app 

Search for Cisco Webex in the App Store or Google Play Store. Once installed, you will need to log in to Webex  with your Towson email address.

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Wed 8/10/22 1:09 PM
Sun 2/19/23 3:16 PM