Configure Your Linux device for tu-secure Wi-Fi

Configure your Linux device to connect to the tu-secure wireless network, the recommended wireless network for TU faculty, staff and students. tu-secure provides the most secure and stable connection to the university network and access to your H: drive and other secured resources. If you need additional assistance, please contact the OTS Technology Support Desk at 410-704-5151.


  1. Enter settings and click on tu-secure from the list of available networks
  2. Enter the following settings from the authentication menu
    1. Wi-Fi security: Select WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
    2. Authentication: Select PEAP
    3. Anonymous identity: Leave blank
    4. Domain: Enter
    5. Check No CA certificate is required
    6. PEAP version: Select Automatic
    7. Inner authentication: Select MSCHAPv2
    8. Username: Enter your NetID username.
    9. Password: Enter your NetID password.
  3. Select Connect.