Classroom Computer and Audiovisual Equipment Alarms

Tags staff faculty

Sonic Shock alarm units protect projectors, document cameras, computers and other audiovisual components in TU classrooms. The Sonic Shock system uses cables to secure equipment; removing equipment and cutting or tampering with cables will trigger the alarm and automatic police notification.


  1. If you arrive at a room and hear the Sonic Shock alarm, do not enter. Immediately call the University Police emergency number: 410-704-4444 or 44444 from on-campus phones.
  2. If you accidentally trigger a Sonic Shock alarm, call the University Police non-emergency number at 410-704-2134 or 42134 from on-campus phones.
  3. Relocate to another room or take a break until the police can silence the alarm.
  4. Close the door so the alarm noise doesn't disrupt other classes in the area.
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Article ID: 142576
Sun 10/16/22 7:55 PM
Wed 12/13/23 3:41 PM