Use the Panopto App for iOS

Learn how to use the Panopto app for iOS devices to record and view sessions in Panopto.

Download the Panopto app

  1. Open the iOS App Store.
  2. Enter Panopto in the search box and select the Search button at the bottom of the window.
  3. Select Panopto Mobile in the search results.
  4. Select the GET button.
  5. Select the INSTALL button and follow the on-screen prompts. Enter your app store password if requested.

Log in

When you first launch the app, you will need to log in with your Blackboard credentials.

  1. Select the Panopto icon to open the app.
  2. Enter your email address under Sign in to Panopto.
  3. Select Continue on the pop-up window.
  4. When prompted to choose a site, select The Blackboard Sign-in Screen will appear.
  5. Sign in with your NetID and Password, then select Login.

View Panopto sessions

You may view all sessions that your account has permission for.

  1. Select the Browse button to view a list of your folders. A list of all recorded sessions will appear.
  2. Select the session to view the recording.

Make a recording

You can use your iOS device to make a recording or add a recording to a session.

  1. Select the + (plus) button at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select the Upload and Record option. The Upload and Record page will display.
  3. Select Choose video or audio files to choose between recording on your device or adding a previously recorded video. The app will open your camera.
    • If you are recording for the first time, pop-up messages will request permission to access the camera and microphone on the device.
    • Select OK to allow and record.
  4. Once you finish, the app will return you to the Upload and Record page while the video uploads to Panopto.
    • You can change the name by double-clicking the video name.
    • Once the video finishes processing, the recording process is finished.
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