Folder Management in Panopto

There are several different folder types in Panopto. This document will explain how to log into Panopto, the different folders and folder types, and how to create new folders.

Log into Panopto

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your NetID and Password

Panopto Navigation

Search bar: This allows you to search in the folder you are currently in.

Create button: The create button allows you to record a new video in the Panopto Recorder or Panopto Beta (Chrome only), upload videos created elsewhere, create a subfolder, or schedule a recording.

Home: This shows you the home page for Panopto.

My Folder: The My Folder area is your personal storage space within Panopto. Only you have access to these videos. You can share a video from your My Folder area, but you cannot share the whole folder. This is the default landing page when you log into Panopto.

Shared with Me: This will show you any videos that have been shared with you using the “Specific People” option on the video or folder.

Everything: This shows you anything that you have access to. This is an accumulation of all of your own videos (from “My Folder”, plus any additional folders or classes), anything under “Shared with Me”, and any videos that have been made public to all users or the whole university.
Please Note: Only Panopto Administrators can share a video with all Towson Panopto users.

Subfolders: In any folder that you have creator access to, you can create a subfolder. This allows you to organize your videos inside the folder.

Meeting Recordings: This is a subfolder inside of your “My Folder” area that lists all recorded meetings from your Zoom account. You will be able to view, edit, and share these videos.
Please Note: Recording a session in Zoom using the Cloud Recording option will automatically send a copy of the recording to Panopto. If you are given the option to choose between recording to the cloud and recording to your computer, make sure to select "Record to Cloud". You will need to locate and manually upload the recording to Panopto if you select "Record to Local Computer."

Browse: This allows you to toggle between All Folders and My Folders.

  • All Folders: This shows you all folders that you have access to, either from your Blackboard course enrollments, folders you’ve requested or been given access to, or folders that have been shared with the university.
  • My Folders: This shows you all folders that you have creator access to. Creator access allows you to upload or edit videos.

Requesting a new folder

Some departments like to have Panopto folders that all members of their department can add to. If you would like to create a departmental folder, please email with the following information:

  • Name of the folder
  • Users who should have creator access (able to create or view)
  • Users who should have viewer access (able to view only)


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