Set up an alternative voicemail greeting to be used when the standard greeting is not appropriate, such as when your phone is busy, you're on vacation or the university is closed for a holiday. There are five alternative greetings you may set up in addition to the standard greeting. Read on to learn how.
Record alternative greetings via your Cisco phone
- Pick up your handset or press the SPEAKER button for hands-free operation.
- Press the Messages (envelope) button.
- Enter your PIN followed by #, when prompted.
- Press 8 for Set-up options.
- Press 4 to Change a Greeting.
- Press 3 to Edit other Greetings.
- Depending on which greeting you wish to record, press the corresponding number on the keypad from Column 4 in the table below.

- After making your greeting selection, press 1 to record the greeting.
- Begin recording at the tone. Refer to the commands below for help after recording the greeting:
- press # when you have finished recording
- press 1 to re-record
- press 2 to use the system greeting
- press 3 to turn on the alternate greeting
- press * to exit
- Press * again to exit, or you may just hang up.
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