Transfer and Forward Calls from Cisco 79 Series IP Phone

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Learn to transfer and forward calls from your Cisco Series 79 IP phone following these steps. You may transfer a call directly to the recipient or speak with the recipient before the transfer.

Transfer a call without talking to the transfer recipient 

  1. From a connected call, press the Transfer softkey (highlighted below). This will put the call on hold.

    Cisco IP Phone 79 Series with the Transfer Softkey button labelled using a red square.
  2. Use the keypad to dial the target extension.
  3. When you hear the call ringing, press the Transfer softkey again.
  4. Hang up the handset.

Talk to the transfer recipient before transferring a call

  1. From a connected call, press the Transfer softkey. This will put the call on hold.​​​​​​​
  2. Use the keypad to dial the target extension and wait for the transfer recipient to answer. You may have a conversation with the recipient before the call is transferred.
  3. If the recipient accepts the transferred call, press the Transfer softkey again.
  4. If the transfer is not accepted, after the transfer recipient hangs up, press the Resume softkey to return to the original call.

Forward all calls

Here's how to forward all your calls to a colleague, to voicemail or to another extension — perhaps when you're going to be away from your desk or need privacy for an extended time.

  1. Press the CFwdALL softkey on your phone. Your phone will beep twice.
  2. Enter the extension where you want your incoming calls to ring.
  3. After you enter the extension, your phone will beep once. You will see two indicators that your calls have been forwarded, as pictured below.
    a. At the bottom of your display, a message will read Forwarded to extension.
    b. At the top of the display, a flashing arrow will appear beside your phone number.

    Cisco IP Phone 79 Series indicating that the calls have been forwarded.
  4. When someone calls your extension, they will be rerouted to the extension you indicated. When the call is received on the forwarded line, the message will read Forward caller name For Original recipient.
  5. To turn off call forward all, press the CFwdAll softkey again. Your phone will beep once.​​​​​​​
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