Request Adobe CC Software for Staff

TU staff are eligible for Adobe CC software, provided they need it for TU work. See for full details. You must request Adobe CC software from your department supervisor and justify why you need to access Adobe CC software to perform your job duties. Your supervisor may approve your request by following these steps: 

Software requirements

Request Procedures

  1. After confirming your computer meets the hardware requirements above, contact your supervisor to request Adobe CC software with justification. 
  2. Direct your supervisor to follow the steps below so they can authorize your installation by submitting a TechHelp Service Request on your behalf: ​​​​​
    1. Open the TechHelp portalSign In with your NetID (if necessary) and select the Open a Ticket button.
    2. Select the Software & Applications category, select Computer Software and then select the Submit a Request or Question button.
    3. Enter Adobe Request in the Subject field.
    4. Enter the text of your request in the Description field. The request must be for a faculty, staff, student employee or for yourself.  Be sure to include the computer name and TU Tag number of the computer(s) that need Adobe CC.
    5. Select the Submit button to complete your request.
  3. OTS will process the TechHelp request and initiate your Adobe CC installation. OTS will send an email with an Adobe Software form for you to fill out. This information is necessary to complete the software installation.

For assistance Contact the Technology Support Desk at 410-704-5151 and follow the menu options.

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Article ID: 140895
Tue 8/2/22 10:43 AM
Tue 9/10/24 1:07 PM

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[Faculty & Staff] This document details the process of approving Adobe CC software requests. Faculty or staff requesting the Adobe CC software from their chairperson must justify why they need the software to perform their duties at the university. The chairperson approves justified requests by submitting a TechHelp Service Request on behalf of the faculty or staff member. The TechHelp request initiates the Adobe installation process for the faculty or staff member.

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