Set Up Duo on Your Phone or Tablet

Faculty, staff, students, and retirees must use Duo when accessing certain protected TU resources to prove their identity using both their password and an enrolled device (phone, tablet, etc.). Install the Duo Mobile app from your device's app store, then follow the steps below to complete the enrollment process. 

Start adding a new phone or tablet

  1. Open the NetID Management page in your preferred browser on a desktop or laptop computer.
  2. In the Manage NetID section, select the Manage link.
  3. Enter your NetID (username) and Password, then select Login
  4. Select MY PROFILE at the top of the page, then select MANAGE DUO in the gray area below. If necessary, select the sandwich button (three stacked lines) to reveal MANAGE DUO.
  5. Select the gold ADD NEW DEVICE button to display the Add new Duo device box.
  6. Select the type of device you plan to enroll — Mobile phone, Tablet (iPad, Nexus 7, etc.), or Hardware Token (which includes security keys) — then select NEXT. Continue with the most appropriate section below.

Finish adding a new phone

  1. Enter a friendly name for the device (My iPhone, for example), then select NEXT. ​
  2. Set the phone country code to United States (+1), enter your phone number, then select NEXT.
  3. Select the phone type, then select NEXT.
  4. Verify that the Duo Mobile app is installed on your phone. If it is not, install it now.
  5. Select I HAVE DUO MOBILE to display a QR code (a square, black and white graphic) on your desktop or laptop screen, then follow the next three steps to link your phone to your TU account. If you prefer not to use the QR code, select the "...have an activation link emailed to you instead" option. Links expire after 24 hours. 
    1. Open the Duo Mobile app on your phone.
    2. Tap the + button.
    3. Scan the QR code using the phone's camera. 
  6. Select DONE on your computer. Your phone should be listed under Duo Authentication Devices with the status Enabled

Finish adding a new tablet

  1. Enter a friendly name for the device (My iPad, for example), then select NEXT. ​
  2. Select the tablet type — iOS or Android — then select NEXT.
  3. Verify that the Duo Mobile app is installed on your tablet. If it is not, install it now.
  4. Select I HAVE DUO MOBILE to display a QR code (a square, black and white graphic) on your desktop or laptop screen, then follow the next three steps to link your tablet to your TU account. If you prefer not to use the QR code, select the "...have an activation link emailed to you instead" option. Links expire after 24 hours. 
    1. Open the Duo Mobile app on your tablet.
    2. Tap the + button.
    3. Scan the QR code using the tablet's camera. 
  5. Select DONE on your computer. Your tablet should be listed under Duo Authentication Devices with the status Enabled



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Duo adds an additional layer of security when you sign in to a TU system by requiring the use of a second device such as a smartphone or landline. Various ways to authenticate using these devices include Duo Push or Passcode.