Understand Your Default Student WordPress Site


[Students] TU has provided a default template to serve as a starting point for your site. The default template contains four pages that you can thoroughly customize. But, you may easily add or remove pages and features to suit your goals, content and organization preferences.


TU provides a default template (based on the WP theme Author) to serve as a starting point for your site. You are free to choose a different theme (from a collection of over 300) if you wish to better express your individuality or content area. The default template contains four pages that you can thoroughly customize. But, you may easily add or remove pages and features to suit your goals, content and organization preferences.

The areas of your template are defined as follows:

Area Description
Title The title of your page and your site; for a portfolio, you will probably make this your name.
Subtitle Helpful in displaying additional descriptive information, such as your major, motto or special skills.
Home Hyperlink to your Home/Welcome page.
About Me Hyperlink to your About Me page; perhaps a good place for your resume or bio.
Updates Hyperlink to your Updates page.
Portfolio Hyperlink to your e-portfolio page.
Site Search Widget This widget enables visitors to search your site for a keyword or phrase.
Subscribe by Email Widget This widget enables visitors to receive email alerts when you post.
Edit Select this button to get into Edit mode for a page and add content.
Next Part of the Series: Your WordPress Homepage
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Article ID: 141119
Tue 8/9/22 1:37 PM
Mon 2/6/23 10:38 AM

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[Students, Faculty and Staff] Within the university's WordPress environment, TU students can create and manage individual/personal websites. As a self-contained web publishing platform, WordPress is a comparatively easy way to showcase your interests, education, ideas and accomplishments on the web. The articles linked below are intended to orient students to WordPress basics, but they apply to faculty and staff use as well.