Add Users to Your WordPress Organization Site

If you are an administrator of your TU organization's WordPress site, you can add and remove users as needed by following the procedures outlined below.

Instruct prospective users to sign in

Organization WordPress sites and individual student WordPress sites are hosted on different systems. Before adding a new student user to your organization's site, the student must first sign in to both TU WordPress systems. Here are some simple instructions for you to pass along.

  1. Sign in and out of the student WordPress system.
    1. Open in your browser.
    2. Select the LOGIN OR CREATE YOUR SITE button.
    3. Sign in using your TU NetID username and password. The webpage from Step 1.1 will return with a black toolbar along the top.
    4. Select Log Out from the left end of the toolbar.
  2. Sign in and out of the organization WordPress system.
    1. Open in your browser.
    2. Select the LOGIN OR CREATE YOUR SITE button.
    3. Sign in using your TU NetID username and password. The webpage from Step 2.1 will return with a black toolbar along the top.
    4. Select Log Out from the left end of the toolbar.
  3. Inform a site administrator that you are ready to be added.

Add a new user to your WordPress site

Only site administrators can add users. If you are a site administrator, follow these steps to add a user.

  1. Open and log in to your site. The presence of the Admin Toolbar at the top of the page indicates that you are logged in.
  2. Select your site name from the My Sites button on the Admin Toolbar. WordPress (WP) will display your site Dashboard page.
  3. Select Users from the navigation bar on the left. WP will display the Users table.
  4. Select the Add Existing button at the top of the page.
  5. Enter the new user's TU email address in the Email box.
  6. Select the appropriate role from the Role menu; if uncertain, see the Role Guide below.
  7. Select the Add Existing User button. WP will confirm that the user has been added and send the user a notification email. 

Role Guide

A User with this Role Can do this Advice
Subscriber Read all posts and pages, as well as manage their own profiles. This role is particularly useful for a subscription-based site — a non-public site accessible only by subscribers.
Contributor Read all posts and pages, as well as edit and delete their own posts. But, they can not publish posts or upload media files.  
Author Create, edit, delete and publish their own posts, as well as upload media files. This is the best role for users who create content, but do not need to edit of manage the content of other users.
Editor Create, edit, delete and publish pages and posts, including those belonging to other users. Editors typically oversee the work of Authors and Contributors. They can also moderate blog comments and manage categories and links. This is the safest starting role for a top-level user who needs full control of the site content.
Administrator Access all the site functions; add and delete users; create, edit and delete any content; manage plugins and themes; and change other users' roles. Be careful with this role! If a user doesn't absolutely need it, don't assign it to them.

Remove users from your WordPress site

Only site administrators can remove users. If you are a site administrator, follow these steps to remove a user.

  1. Open and log in to your site. The presence of the Admin Toolbar at the top of the page indicates that you are logged in.
  2. Select your site name from the My Sites button on the Admin Toolbar. WordPress (WP) will display your site Dashboard page.
  3. Select Users from the navigation bar on the left. WP will display the Users table.
  4. Hover over the targeted user; WP will display a (Remove | View | Reports) menu below the user's name.
  5. Select Remove from the menu and confirm the action.
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