Share a Panopto Video

Once you record or upload a video to Panopto, you can share it or share the folder containing it. If you share the video, users can see the video only. If you share the folder, users can see all the videos and those in subfolders.

Share a video

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your NetID and Password.
  3. To share a
    • Video
      1. Locate the video.
      2. Select the Share icon on the video preview.
    • Folder
      1. Enter the folder.
      2. Select the Share icon in the top right.
  4. Copy the URL from the top of the Share page and send it to the users you want to share with.

Sharing Options

  • Restricted (Specific People)
    • Allow one or more specific people to view the video. You will need the users' email addresses.
    • You can add those users at the top by clicking in the "Add people and groups" box.
  • Your Organization (unlisted)
    • Allow anyone at TU who has the link to view the video. Users will need to log in to view the video.
    • This will allow a user to forward the link to other TU users, and they will also be able to view the video.
    • If you do not want people to be able to forward the link, use the Specific People option.
  • Public (unlisted)
    • Allow anyone with the link to view the video, regardless of whether or not they have a TU Panopto account. Users are not required to log in with this option.
    • This will allow a user to forward the link to anyone else, and they will also be able to view the video.
    • If you do not want people to be able to forward the link, use the Specific People option.
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Article ID: 142281
Tue 10/4/22 10:30 AM
Thu 9/14/23 9:44 AM

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