Edit Panopto Videos from Blackboard

Edit Panopto videos within your Blackboard course.

  1. Navigate to https://blackboard.towson.edu/.
  2. Log in with your TU NetID and Password.
  3. Enter the desired course.
  4. Select Books & Tools on the left Menu.
  5. Select Panopto Content from the list.
  6. Locate the video to edit.
  7. Mouse over the video you want to edit and select the pencil icon in the list of options that appear.
  8. If your video is copied from another course folder, you will be prompted to choose whether to edit the original video or just the copy. A linked square icon marks copied videos. You will now be able to edit your video in Panopto.
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Article ID: 142224
Thu 9/29/22 10:22 AM
Fri 6/28/24 2:23 PM