Find IP, MAC and Other Network Information on your Windows Device

Locate the IP (Internet Protocol) address, MAC (Media Access Control) address and other network-related information on your Windows 10 or 11 laptops, phone and gaming console. 

Wireless connections

  1. Open your Settings control panel.
  2. Select the Network & internet tab.
  3. Select the Wi-Fi tab.
  4. Click on the network name you are connected to (e.g. tu-secure or tu-openaccess)
  5. Scroll to the Properties section 
  6. You can click Copy if you want to copy all the information to paste into an email or chat.

Wired connections

  1. Open your Settings control panel.
  2. Select the Network & internet tab.
  3. Select the Ethernet tab.
  4. Scroll to the Properties section.
  5. You can click Copy if you want to copy all the information to paste it into an email or chat.
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Mon 8/22/22 4:01 PM
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