Customize Your WordPress Site with a Live Preview

Selecting the Customize button (illustrated below) for the currently active theme lets you update settings while previewing your changes. Only the theme preview window, not your live site, is updated until you choose the Save and Publish button. 

  1. From your Dashboard menu, hover over Appearance and select Customize in the flyout menu. WordPress will display your site with a right side menu for customization.
  2. Select Site Identity to configure the options below:
    • Site Title: This will be your website's main title and will show at the top of every page.
    • Tagline: This can be your major, motto or special skills/interests.
    • Site Icon: The Site Icon is your site's browser and app icon. Icons must be square and at least 512px wide and tall.
  3. Select Front Page to configure the option below:
    • Static Front Page: Defines whether the front page is static or displays your latest posts.
  4. Select Avatar to upload an avatar image.
  5. Select Logo to upload a logo image.
  6. Select Social Media Icons to add your social media URLs and display icons on your page.
  7. Select Menus to change menu locations.
  8. Select Widgets to add, remove or change widgets.
  9. Select Save and Publish, then select the X to close the sidebar. 


Next Part of the Series: Making your WordPress Site Live
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