Using Outlook Web App (OWA) with Maildrops and Shared Mailboxes

Outlook Web App ( can be used to open a maildrop (group mailbox) or another person's shared mailbox or folder (like a calendar). If you are looking for general directions on requesting or using a maildrop, please see Knowledge Base 140805: Requesting and Using a Maildrop. When Outlook is available, it's still preferred to use Outlook to open the maildrop -- the linked article contains instructions.

Reasons to use Outlook Web App (OWA)

  • The ability to easily access the maildrop from off-campus without Outlook, or for individuals who prefer to use OWA
  • The ability to have a student without an Exchange (Outlook) mailbox to access a maildrop when Outlook isn't available
  • After being granted temporary access to a mailbox, this method allows for auto-replies (out-of-office) and rules to be configured without adding the account to Outlook
  • After being granted temporary access to a mailbox hidden from the Global Address List (such as the mailbox of a separated employee), this method is the only way for auto-replies (out-of-office) and rules to be configured without adding the account to Outlook
  • The ability of a room resource calendar owner to manage resource settings

Open a maildrop or another mailbox using the Outlook Web App

The individual must have full access to the mailbox being opened. Maildrop and room resource calendar owners have been granted full mailbox access. To open a single shared folder within someone's mailbox (like the Calendar), use the "Opening a shared folder using Outlook Web App" instructions.

To open a maildrop in Outlook Web App:

  1. Log into Outlook Web Access at
  2. Select the account menu in the upper right corner
  3. Choose the "Open another mailbox" option
  4. Type part of the name of the maildrop. If the name appears as a hint while you're typing, select it to have it auto-complete the text field. You can also select the "Search contacts and directory" link that appears to search for matching names.
  5. Select the Open button
  6. The maildrop should open in a new window. If you receive a "You do not have permission to open this mailbox" error, then make sure you are an owner of the maildrop. If the maildrop was just created, you might have to wait a few hours.

Note: These instructions are different for anyone without an Exchange (Outlook) mailbox (e.g., a student who does not have an Exchange mailbox but is an owner of a maildrop). For those cases, see the following section: "How someone without an Exchange mailbox can open a maildrop or another mailbox using Outlook Web App."

How someone without an Exchange mailbox can open a maildrop or another mailbox using Outlook Web App

The individual must have full access to the mailbox being opened. Maildrop and room resource calendar owners have been granted full mailbox access. To open a single shared folder within someone's mailbox (like the Calendar), use the "Opening a shared folder using Outlook Web App" instructions below. When using OWA to open another mailbox, these steps are required for anyone without an Exchange (Outlook) mailbox (e.g., a student who does not have an Exchange mailbox but is an owner of a maildrop). Use the instructions in the "Open a Maildrop or Another Mailbox using Outlook Web App" section if you have an Exchange mailbox.
Note: To open a mailbox using this method, you must know its primary email address.

To open a maildrop or other mailbox in Outlook Web App when you do not have a personal Exchange mailbox:

  1. Type into your browser address field, followed by the primary email address of the mailbox
    The format should be:

    Some examples include:
  2. Press Enter to load the webpage
  3. Log in with your email address and password if prompted
  4. If you receive a "You do not have permission to open this mailbox" error, then make sure you are an owner of the maildrop. If the maildrop was just created, you might have to wait a few hours.

Opening a shared folder using Outlook Web App

For most individuals, it will be much easier to use Outlook to open another user's shared folder by opening Outlook and going to the File menu -> Open -> Other User's Folder. In addition, shared calendars are easy to open in Outlook Web App without using the following steps, go into the Calendar app in Office 365, and choose to add a calendar by selecting someone from the Global Address List.

  1. To open a shared email folder in a mailbox using this method, you must know its primary email address.
    Type into your browser address field, followed by the primary email address of the mailbox, followed by the exact name of the shared folder.
    The format should be

    Some examples:
  2. To open "Calendar" or "Tasks" with a URL, use the following method:
    Calendar: type into your browser address field, followed by the primary email address of the mailbox.

    Tasks: type into your browser address field, followed by the primary email address of the mailbox.
  3. After typing in the URL, press the Enter key. Log in with your email address and password if prompted.
  4. If you receive a "You do not have permission to open this mailbox" error, then make sure you were granted permissions for the folder you're trying to access. Have the mailbox owner open their mailbox in Outlook, right-click the folder in Outlook (e.g., Calendar), choose Properties, select the Permissions tab, and add your name with the appropriate permissions.
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Article ID: 140823
Fri 7/29/22 12:59 PM
Mon 12/19/22 3:21 PM

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