Add Content to Your WordPress Site Using the Visual Editor (Video)

The linked video demonstrates how to add page content using the visual editor in WordPress. 

Title Adding Content Using The Visual Editor
Duration 3:19 min
Location Panopto

The linked video demonstrates how to add content using the visual editor in WordPress and includes:

  • Creating a new post or page
  • Using the formatting toolbar
  • Inserting media into a page
  • Inserting a hyperlink to another webpage
  • Removing selected formatting
  • Publishing (saving) a page
  • Previewing a page before publishing
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Article ID: 140775
Thu 7/28/22 11:54 AM
Wed 7/17/24 3:29 PM

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[Students, Faculty and Staff] You can use the visual editor to enter content into your Page or Post. There are two tabs at the top of the editor: Visual and Text. Selecting Text will enable you to view and edit the HTML code that makes up your content. For those with HTML experience, this can be a helpful tool for tweaking the format of your content. If you are unfamiliar with HTML, we recommend you not use it until you gain more experience.