This article details how Crestron control systems in classrooms can be controlled using a screen reader for the vision impaired.
Starting in 2024, OTS has made it a standard to install a screen reader compatible Crestron Xpanel in spaces with Crestron control systems. This HTML5-based panel can be accessed by an instructor on their personal or university-issued computer in order to control the audiovisual equipment using their screen reader of choice instead of the physical touch panel on the instructor workstation.
If you require an accommodation please follow the HR designated accommodation process prior to the start of the semester so OTS can be brought in to properly assist.
How to access the HTML5 Xpanel
- Connect to the TU wired network or TU-Secure wireless network.
- Open a web browser and navigate to: https://crestron-COLLECTIONCODE/TowsonU_Xpanel_v1/index.html?id=09 (Example: https://crestron-LA4150/TowsonU_Xpanel_v1/index.html?id=09).
- You may receive a certificate warning indicating your connection is not private, click "advanced", then "proceed" to move forward to the page.
- Enter the "username" and "password provided by OTS for the room you have requested an accommodation in.
- The user interface will load and you may use your screen reader to navigate the page to control the system
- If you need help in a classroom, call our 4TECH hotline 410-704-8324 or use our chat service.
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