Shared Mailbox Retention Policy

Shared Mailboxes should be regularly maintained by members of the mailbox to avoid improperly storing potentially sensitive information or large amounts of data. Sensitive documents and large attachments should be stored in a secure network location.

Several default folders within a shared mailbox will have a 3 year retention schedule applied to them. Mail stored in ANY other folder than the ones listed below will NOT have any retention policy held against it, and may be used to store mail for more than 3 years. The university will automatically and permanently dispose of messages placed into the default folders with the following schedule:

Inbox:  Email messages in the Sent Items folder older than 3 years will be automatically removed from the system and become unrecoverable.
Sent Items: Email messages in the Sent Items folder older than 3 years will be automatically removed from the system and become unrecoverable.
Deleted Items: Email messages in the Deleted Items folder older than 3 years will be automatically removed from the system and become unrecoverable.
Junk Folder: Email messages in the Sent Items folder older than 3 years will be automatically removed from the system and become unrecoverable.

In certain situations or circumstances, email in these default locations may be kept longer than defined purge timeframe, such as during a litigation hold.

Individual users (shared mailbox sponsors and members) are responsible for identifying and archiving information in their university email subject to university retention schedules.

More information on working with the retention policy: Shared Mailbox Retention Policy FAQ