Understand ORBS (Online Resource Booking System) Overdue Procedures

Tags ORBS scs

If clients do not return circulating resources (e.g., camera kits, tripods, etc.), their bookings become OVERDUE. OTS processes overdue bookings as described here.

  1. After 30 minutes, the system will send you a friendly reminder email.
  2. After 12 hours, the system will send you an OVERDUE notice describing the SCS overdue procedures and restating the Terms & Conditions for borrowing equipment.
  3. Within 24 hours, SCS staff will create a TechHelp ticket logging the incident; you will receive a copy of this via email. The SR will be used to log telephone and other non-automated communications.
  4. Every 12 hours, the system will send you another OVERDUE notice; this will continue for 7 days or until you return the resource, whichever comes first. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY RETURNED the equipment and believe our records are incorrect, by all means, LET US KNOW (scs@towson.edu).
  5. After 2 days of OVERDUE notices, the system will ban you from making additional bookings and send you a BOOKING PRIVILEGES SUSPENDED notice (email).
  6. After 7 days of OVERDUE notices, SCS will regard the resource as stolen and permanently ban you from booking SCS resources.
  7. After 14 overdue days, TU will invoice you for the replacement value of the equipment through the Student & University Billing Office. Like other university fines, an unpaid balance could block your registration or graduation. 

Suspended borrowers may use lab-based resources (e.g., studios, headphones, etc.), but they can’t book them in advance. Instead, they will request use at the Gear Desk, and Student Multimedia Services staff will make the booking on their behalf. Suspended users may not, under any circumstance, borrow circulating resources (e.g., camera kits, tripods, etc.) without express permission from an SCS professional staff member.

SCS reserves the right to suspend the long-term borrowing privileges of users who do not adhere to our Guidelines, Terms and Conditions. The point of suspensions is to remove less responsible users from the borrowing pool to reduce their impact on more responsible users.

When a user returns equipment late, we assign him 1 demerit per day, per item; when the user accumulates 6 demerits, we suspend his borrowing privileges for 2 months (formerly 6 months). The suspension is enacted via a system ban; this means that the user will not be able to book circulating equipment OR lab-based resources* for the ban period.

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Article ID: 142052
Wed 9/21/22 11:37 AM
Wed 2/15/23 1:42 PM