
Tags faculty

Blackboard's Message tool lets you view and send messages from one place. 

Navigate to Messages

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your TU NetID and Password.
  3. Select your Messages on the left side navigation menu.
  4. New messages are indicated by a numeric alert next to the Messages Icon
  5. To read your Messages, select the course with an unread message(s) notification.

Send messages

  1. Click on a course under messages and click the New Message button
  2. Click in the Recipients box to search for an Individual or select Category 
  3. Check Send an email copy to recipients to allow the message to be sent via email.
  4. Check Allow replies to this message, to allow users to reply if you wish.
  5. After writing your message select the Send button located at the bottom right.

Message Settings

To promote a learner-centered community, we recommend leaving the message feature on and available. However, as the instructor, you have the option to change your message settings per course. By default, messages are on and allow your students to message you and fellow students in the course.
To limit message access per course, complete the following steps

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your TU NetID and Password.
  3. Click on Course Settings in the top right corner
  4. Select one of the following options:
  • Students can message anyone in their course (on by default)
  • Students can only message staff (Instructor, TA..) and students in their groups
  • Students can only message staff
  • Students can only reply to messages

If you make this change, we recommend updating your Syllabus or creating a course announcement so your students know how to contact you.