[Students, Faculty and Staff] Learn from the answers to frequently asked questions about Virtual Workspace (VW) and Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), including how to log in, where to save files, how to map drives, how to print, how to connect USB devices and how to copy and paste.
The options for securely accessing TU applications, email and network shares from off-campus include Virtual Workspace (VW), Remote Desktop and Virtual Private Network (VPN). See the TU website for summary information.
Questions frequently asked about Virtual Workspace
What is Virtual Workspace?
Virtual Workspace, commonly referred to as VW, is a service that allows easy access to some campus applications and network files from anywhere on the internet via a modern web browser or a remote desktop app. Current TU students, faculty and staff can access VW.
How do I log in to VW?
There are two ways to access VW:
- Open in a web browser.
- Install and launch Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the Apple App Store (Mac users) or Microsoft App Store (PC Users).
- Add Workspaces
- Enter and select Add.
- Sign in with your TU NetID and Password, and authenticate with Duo.
****The older (legacy) version of VW is available till June 1, 2023. It may be reached by opening in a web browser. Beginning June 1, it will no longer be available.
Where should I save my files when working in VW?
The best practice is to save files and folders to your
OneDrive, Home share (H:\ drive), Department share (O:\ drive) or another network share. In addition to the convenience of accessing these locations from different computers, these network drives are backed up nightly to protect against unintentional loss of data.
OTS highly recommends that you launch OneDrive from the Windows Start Menu the first time you use VW. You will need to do this one time only. If you need help, see this article.
Can I map a drive in VW?
Yes, while connected to a virtual desktop in VW, follow these instructions to map a drive.
- Open File Explorer and select This PC.
- Select the Computer tab.
- Select the Map network drive button in the ribbon menu at the top. Then select Map network drive.
- Select the drive letter you want to use for the network folder and type the path of the share (\\server\share). An example might look similar to this: \\customshare\SharedDocs$
- Make sure Reconnect at sign-in is checked, and then select Finish.
Will I be able to print in VW?
Yes, printers connected to the device you are using to access VW should be available when you are using the Virtual Workspace. Local printers will display (redirected) in the name as shown below.

Faculty and staff can add on-campus network printers using the installed PrinterLogic app.
Students can select wepa printers.

When using your web browser to access virtual desktops, Print to PDF will be the default printer.
Can I personalize a virtual desktop?
Some personalization will be saved and follow you as you access virtual desktops from different computers. These include:
- Custom wallpaper
- Mapped drives
- Desktop and Taskbar shortcuts
Are there time limits to VW sessions?
Yes, inactive sessions will automatically disconnect after 30 minutes. Virtual desktops will log off 90 minutes after disconnection, and all files and running applications will be closed. You can resume a session by logging back into the virtual desktop or published application within this 90-minute period of inactivity.
In summary, any unsaved work could be lost after two hours of inactivity.
Can I connect USB devices?
Yes. When using the installed VW app, USB storage, local drives and DVD drives will appear automatically on the desktop.
How to copy and paste in VW?
When using the VW app, copy and paste functions are available immediately. The VW browser interface will prompt users for clipboard access (unless they have previously selected do not ask again at the prompt.)
How do I transfer files from my physical computer to the virtual desktop (or vice versa)?
Since virtual desktops automatically connect to your OneDrive and network shared drives such as home share (H:\ drive), or department share (O:\ drive), OTS recommends that you save files in those locations.
When using the Microsoft Remote Desktop App, copied and pasted files are available immediately.
When using the browser, users will be prompted for clipboard access (unless they have previously selected do not ask again).
How can I request specific software be added to Virtual Workspace?
Open a TechHelp ticket. Be sure to include available details about the software and licensing.
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