Navigate the Messages in Blackboard Ultra

This article will show how to view and send your messages from one place on Blackboard Ultra.

Navigating Messages

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your TU NetID and Password
  3. Select your Messages and when there is a new message, a number will appear above the Messages tab
  4. To read your Messages, select the course that says unread messages

Sending Messages

  1. Select your Messages
  2. Select the course you would like to send a message to and Select Create Message
  3. To add someone in the “To” field, select To
  4. If you would like to add someone to the CC or BCC list, select that option respectively and find the name of the student(s) to send the message to and select on their name. (You can select multiple names by holding Ctrl down on the keyboard while selecting names)
  5. Select the Right arrow in the middle to move the name(s) over to the Recipients list
  6. Scroll down and enter your Subject and Message and Click Submit


Article ID: 141591
Tue 9/6/22 4:00 PM
Thu 1/4/24 8:06 PM