Notify team members of an assigned task from within the Waterfall Plan

Notification of assigned tasks within the Waterfall Plan is a two-step process for Project Managers, and can be done in any order (assign then notify or notify as a heads up, then assign):

  1. Assign the task in the Waterfall Plan.
  2. Set up a notification:
    1. Open Plan>open task (double click).
    2. Click on Actions button
    3. Select Comment
    4. Check the person(s) to notify
    5. Add comment as needed

The assigned person will receive an email in their inbox. Clicking on the auto-generated link in the TDNext section launches the task.

Tasks can also can also be viewed in “My Assignments” (My Work>My Assignments).



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Article ID: 10565
Wed 1/6/16 8:36 AM
Thu 1/4/24 4:07 PM