Troubleshoot Your Wired Network Connection Problem


[Students, Faculty and Staff] Try these troubleshooting steps if you have a wired network connection problem with your desktop computer. If the problem persists, contact Student Computing Services or the Faculty/Staff Help Center at 410-704-5151.


Try these troubleshooting steps if you have a wired network connection problem with your desktop computer. If the problem persists, contact Student Computing Services or the Faculty/Staff Help Center at 410-704-5151.

Test your browser

  1. Open If the TU page loads, your browser is working as expected. 
  2. Open a non-TU site that you have not opened before or recently (a site that has not been cached/save to your computer). If the site loads, your network connection is active. If the site doesn’t load, reboot your computer:
    1. Windows: Start menu > Shut Down > Restart your computer > OK.
    2. Macintosh: Apple menu > Shut Down.
  3. Once you’ve restarted, open Outlook. If you’re getting mail but still can’t load websites, contact the appropriate Help Center.

If you are working remotely and unable to open either a TU or non-TU website, this could mean there’s an outage with your Internet Service Provider. Contact your provider directly to verify you do not have an outage.

Check your equipment

Verify your physical connection

  • Locate the cable that connects your computer to the network — it’s usually blue or gray with ends resembling those of a phone cable. Make sure it’s securely connected to the back of your computer and to the wall port. 


  • Verify that the lights next to the network cable port on the back of the computer are lit. Often, one light is continuous and the other is blinking.
  • If nothing is lit, disconnect the cable from the computer. Then, re-connect it and listen for a soft click as the lock engages. 
  • Do the same with the cable at the wall port end.
  • If the lights weren't on but are now, restart your computer and see if you now have a network connection. If the lights are still out, contact the appropriate Help Center.

Collect this info before contacting the Help Center

  • The operating system your machine is running (i.e., Windows 2000, Windows 98, Macintosh OS 9)
  • The make and model of your computer (i.e., Dell Optiplex GX150, Dell Optiplex GXa, PowerMac G4)
  • Your building and room information and wallport number (i.e., Smith Hall 222, Port 222A)
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Article ID: 143057
Mon 11/14/22 10:47 AM
Thu 2/16/23 5:28 PM

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