Find IP, MAC and Other Network Information on your Apple Mac


[ Students, Faculty & Staff ] Locate the Internet Protocol (IP) address, Media Access Control (MAC) address, and other network information on your Apple iPhone or iPad. This information is used by the Office of Technology Services, including SCS, to support users experiencing network problems.


Locate the Internet Protocol (IP) address, Media Access Control (MAC) address, and other network information on your Apple Mac computer. This information is used by the Office of Technology Services, including SCS, to support users experiencing network problems.

Apple Mac computers can connect to the TU network over a wireless or wired connection. Follow these steps to locate the information as applicable.

macOS 13 (Ventura) and higher

Wireless connections

To find your IP address, wireless MAC address and other network information, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Apple menu () in your toolbar.
  2. Select System Settings.
  3. Select Network in the side menu.
  4. Select Wi-Fi in the list of options.
  5. Next to the connected network name, select Details.
  6. Locate the MAC Address.
    1. Select Hardware in the list of options.
    2. Locate the MAC Address field.
      Note: the Wi-Fi MAC address will be similar to a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6.
  7. Locate your IP Address and other network information:
    1. Locate your IP Address.
      1. Select TCP/IP.
      2. Locate the IP Address field.
        Note: the IP address will be similar to
    2. Locate your DNS servers.
      1. Select DNS in the list of options.
      2. Locate the DNS Servers field.
        Note: the DNS servers follow a similar format to the IP address. 

Wired connections

  1. Select the Apple menu () in your toolbar.
  2. Select System Settings.
  3. Select Network in the side menu.
  4. Select Ethernet in the list of options.
  5. Follow steps 5 through 7 in the previous section.

macOS 12 (Monterey) and below

Wireless connections

To find your IP address, wireless MAC address and other network information, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Apple menu () in your toolbar.
  2. Select System Preferences.
  3. Select Network in the list of options.
  4. Select the Wi-Fi option in the services section.
  5. Select Advanced.
  6. Locate the Wi-Fi MAC Address field in the menu that appears.
    Note: the Wi-Fi MAC address will be similar to a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6.
  7. Locate your IP Address and other network information:
    1. Locate your IP Address.
      1. Select the TCP/IP tab.
      2. Locate the IP Address field.
        Note: the IP address will be similar to
    2. Locate your DNS servers.
      1. Select the DNS tab.
      2. Locate the DNS Servers field.
        Note: the DNS servers follow a similar format to the IP address.

Wired connections

To find your IP address, wireless MAC address and other network information, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Apple menu () in your toolbar.
  2. Select System Preferences.
  3. Select Network in the list of options.
  4. Select the Ethernet option in the services section.
  5. Select Advanced.
  6. Locate your MAC Address.
    1. Select the Hardware tab.
    2. Locate the MAC Address field in the menu that appears.
      Note: the MAC address will be similar to a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6.
  7. Locate your IP Address and other network information:
    1. Locate your IP Address.
      1. Select the TCP/IP tab.
      2. Locate the IP Address field.
        Note: the IP address will be similar to
    2. Locate your DNS servers.
      1. Select the DNS tab.
      2. Locate the DNS Servers field.
        Note: the DNS servers follow a similar format to the IP address.



Article ID: 142968
Fri 11/4/22 4:58 PM
Thu 1/4/24 7:43 PM