Guidelines for Instructional Lecture Capture


[Faculty] If you use instructional lecture capture resources supported by TU, please adhere to these requirements to ensure your compliance with laws and regulations.


If you use instructional lecture capture resources supported by TU, please adhere to these requirements to ensure your compliance with laws and regulations.

Category 1: Use of recordings within only the course section recorded

If the recordings will be seen and/or used only by students enrolled within the specific course section being recorded, and the recordings will be discarded after the end of that semester, Faculty are not required to obtain release forms from their students. Please note that Faculty may not redistribute the recordings to others not currently enrolled within the identified course, and that access to the course must be via the Blackboard course site or authenticate using secure credentials.

Faculty are required to inform students of their intentions to record instructional interactions before the actual recordings commence. Please note that if Faculty intends to capture documents created by their students Faculty should only include documents relevant to the class presentations. It is recommended that Faculty inform their students via their syllabus, through the Blackboard course site or through email.

Please feel free to use or modify the following message:

This notice is to inform you that some or all of our instructional interactions within the classroom or synchronous online meetings may be recorded. These recordings will be shared only with others enrolled in the same section of the course and will be discarded at the conclusion of the semester. If you have any concerns regarding your voice, image, or materials being captured please contact me as soon as possible.

This notice is to inform you that some or all of our instructional interactions within the classroom or synchronous online meetings may be recorded. These recordings will be shared only with others enrolled in the same section of the course and will be discarded at the conclusion of the semester. If you have any concerns regarding your voice, image, or materials being captured please contact me as soon as possible.

If a student expresses concerns regarding being recorded, Faculty can provide the below alternatives.

If using Webex 

  1. Instruct students to sign in to the meeting using a pseudonym.
  2. Do not require that they use video and/or voice to participate, but instead communicate via the chat feature.
  3. If students are required to present as part of class participation, pause the recorder when students who opt out are presenting.
  4. Avoid recording private conversations between students and yourself.

If using Panopto

  1. Instruct students to sit outside of the camera's view. If this is not possible, locate seating that will ensure that the student is not captured or select not to capture video.
  2. If students are required to present as part of class participation, pause the recorder when students who opt out are presenting.
  3. Avoid recording private conversations between students and yourself.

Category 2: Intended reuse of recordings 

If faculty intend to reuse recordings where the image, voice or materials of students are captured, faculty are required to obtain authorization to do so via the Instructional Lecture Capture Release form. Please note that this form includes form fields that must be completed. Hard copy and electronic (PDF) signatures are acceptable. The recordings may be reused as long as the authorization is accessible. Please note that faculty may not redistribute the recordings to others (YouTube or other sites) not currently enrolled in a TU course or affiliated with the university. To meet this requirement, students must gain access via the Blackboard course site or authenticate using secure credentials. Additionally, the recordings are to be used for academic purposes only.

Faculty are required to inform students of their intentions to record and/or reuse instructional interactions before the actual recordings commence. Please note that if faculty intend to capture documents created by their students, faculty should only include documents relevant to the class presentations. It is recommended that Faculty inform students via their syllabus, through the Blackboard course site or through email.

Please feel free to use or modify the below message:

This notice is to inform you that some or all of our instructional interactions within the classroom or synchronous online meetings may be recorded and reused. If you have any concerns regarding your voice, image or materials being captured please contact me as soon as possible.

This notice is to inform you that some or all of our instructional interactions within the classroom or synchronous online meetings may be recorded and reused. If you have any concerns regarding your voice, image, or materials being captured please contact me as soon as possible.

If students express concerns regarding being recorded, faculty can provide the following alternatives:

If using Webex 

  1. Instruct students to sign in to the meeting using a pseudonym.
  2. Do not require that they use video and/or voice to participate, but instead communicate via the chat feature.
  3. If students are required to present as part of class participation, pause the recorder when students who opt out are presenting.
  4. Avoid recording private conversations between students and yourself.

If using Panopto

  1. Instruct students to sit outside of the capture view of the camera. If this is not possible, locate seating that will ensure that the student is not captured or select not to capture video.
  2. If students are required to present as part of class participation, pause the recorder when students who opt out are presenting.
  3. Avoid recording private conversations between students and yourself.

If using Zoom

  1. Instruct students to sign in to the meeting using a pseudonym.
  2. Do not require that they use video and/or voice to participate, but instead communicate via the chat feature.
  3. If students are required to present as part of class participation, pause the recorder when students who opt out are presenting.
  4. Avoid recording private conversations between students and yourself.


Recordings created by students 

Faculty who intend to have students record presentations for instructional purposes should take precautions to ensure that the folders containing student recordings remain private and unavailable to the public. If the recording(s) are to be shared with others, the permission of the student must be obtained via the release form. However, if the recording is to be shared within the registered Blackboard course site for the section in which the student is enrolled, the student is not required to complete the release form.


Process for obtaining and maintaining student releases 

  1. As the instructor, you are responsible for maintaining these records. For legal purposes, Instructors should retain a copy of the release form for a total of three years after the last time the recording is viewed.
  2. Faculty are to distribute the link to the form to students via their Blackboard course site if their intended use falls into Category 2.
  3. Please note that this form includes form fields that must be completed and then printed out for signatures.
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Article ID: 140922
Wed 8/3/22 10:40 AM
Fri 6/28/24 10:59 AM

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