Apply these best practices to succeed while using Blackboard.
Logging in to Blackboard
- Log in using your TU Email and password.
- Use the browser checker to ensure your browser is up to date.
- If you are having trouble logging in, clear your cookies and cache on your browser, or try an incognito browser.
- For account or issues, please contact Student Computing Services at 410-704-5151.
Blackboard Homepage
- Institution Page - important links for Towson University's technology sites, resources, support, and Cook Library.
- Your Profile - view and edit your Blackboard profile, including adding a profile image, and edit your notification settings.
- Activity Stream - a list of the most recent updates from your courses, including new grades or assignments, documents, or announcements.
- Courses - your list of courses currently on Blackboard.
- Organizations - organization sites for student groups that use Blackboard.
- Calendar - a calendar view of all due dates and assignments in your course, which can be linked out to a personal calendar or your TU Outlook calendar.
- Messages - view and send messages to your professors.
- Grades - view your grades or assignments for all courses.
- Assist - a list of helpful pages for Towson resources, including Accessibility and Disability Services, Counseling Center, Writing Center, and more.
Your Course List
- Course enrollments come from the Online Student Center. If you are missing a course on Blackboard, verify you are enrolled in the course on PeopleSoft first. Contact the Registrar if there are missing courses.
- Courses are made available or unavailable at the instructor's discretion. Contact your professor if the course is unavailable and you believe it should be available.
- Use the Star icon on a course tile to "Favorite" it and keep it at the top of the list. Click the Star again to un-favorite it.
- Hiding a course will remove it from your view completely. Click on the drop down menu next to the Filter option to see Hidden Courses.
- Change the term at the top of the page to view only courses from a specific term.
Contact Your Professor
- Use the Messages tab on the left of the homepage, or on the top bar once inside your course, to contact your professor.
- Be sure to include your course name and section number in your message.
Contact TU Blackboard Support
- Contact support at 410-704-5151.
- Create a service request.
- Be sure to include all relevant information such as course number and section, and any relevant screenshots.