Zoom - Using Zoom Appointments for Office Hours (Blackboard)



How to Use Zoom Appointments for Online Office Hours

  1. Enter the desired course and click on the Zoom application. At the top of the screen click on the “appointments” tab.

zoom application home screen

  1. Click on the “Create Schedule” button.

bookable schedules page showing the "create schedule" button

  1. A box will appear that will allow you to customize your new schedule. Within these settings you can choose which days you want the schedule to run, what time each day you want it to take place, whether you want the schedule to continue indefinitely or end on a certain day, how long each appointment will be, and give the schedule a name and description. 

 NOTE: Currently, students can only book appointments for three hours before the time that is set for the office hours. For Example, if the time for office hours is scheduled for 11am to 12pm, students will only be able to schedule an appointment from 8am to 9pm. It is recommended that the instructor set their office hours for three hours later than is desired.

customizable schedule settings window

  1. After you are done customizing the settings of your schedule, click on the “Create” button at the bottom of the box.
  2. The schedule that was just created will now be visible on the “appointments” tab.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  1. Students can book these office hours by going to the same place in the “appointments” tab within the Zoom application. Once a student books a time slot, the instructor will receive an email.
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Article ID: 146019
Tue 6/6/23 12:24 PM
Thu 1/16/25 9:43 AM