Recording on PC in Panopto


[Faculty & Staff] This article will detail the steps to record on the Panopto Recorder on PC.


Recording on a PC

The Panopto Recorder can record your computer screen, video, audio, PowerPoint slides, or any combination of these items. This self-help document will cover making a recording on a PC with the Panopto Recorder. The Panopto Recorder must first be downloaded. Please review our document on how to download the recorder for instructions.

Logging In and Recording from Panopto

  1. Open Panopto from the applications list.
  2. If asked for the server, enter
  3. Your browser should open and take you to the Blackboard login screen. Enter your NetID and Password and select Login

Logging in and Recording from Blackboard

  1. Navigate to
  2. Sign in with your NetID and Password
  3. Open the course that you are recording for
  4. Click on View Course and Institution Tools
  5. Select Panopto Folder
  6. Click Create on the top of the screen

Creating a Recording

  1. Once you have logged into the Recorder, the Record a Session window will appear. Select a folder from the Folder dropdown to record to and give the recording a name by typing it in the Session textbox.
  2. Select your primary Video and Audio inputs from the corresponding drop-down menus.
    • Note: As you speak, the audio source level will increase in color from green to yellow to red. Try to keep the volume in the high green area.
  3. If you will be sharing audio during your lecture, check the box next to Capture Computer Audio
  4. Under the Secondary Sources box, check the box next to what you’d like to record:
    • Capture PowerPoint: This will automatically record any PowerPoint files you have open. However, this will only capture PowerPoint, so if you show something on your computer or browser, it will not be captured.
    • Capture Main Screen: This will record your computer screen while you lecture. If you open a browser or a file on your computer, this will be captured in addition to any PowerPoint slides you have open.
    • Capture Secondary Screen: This will record a second monitor if you have one set up. This will only be available if you have a second monitor set up and works similarly to the Capture Main Screen option.
    • If you do not want to record anything other than your face or voice, you can choose to uncheck all the options in this box. Doing so will only record the audio and video inputs you have selected.
  5. Once you have selected the chosen inputs, start your recording by selecting the Record button in the top left.
  6. To pause the recording, select Pause. To stop recording, select Stop.
  7. The Recording Complete window will appear. In this window, you have a second opportunity to name your recording in the Session Name textbox. You are also able to enter an optional description of the recording.
  8. The Recording Complete window provides you with the following options:
    • If you are not satisfied with your recording, select the Delete and record again button. The Record a session window will appear and you can start recording again.
    • If you wish to proceed with your recording, select the Upload button. The Manage Recordings window will appear.
  9. In the Manage Recordings window, once the video has been processed, select the View button to watch the recording or the Edit button to edit the recording.


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Article ID: 142318
Wed 10/5/22 12:10 PM
Wed 2/26/25 1:16 PM
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